Wednesday, November 16, 2016

More of the Same Update for November

As per usual for our upgrade project the status is "Waiting for Openreach".

Apparently there are two pieces of work that Openreach need to complete in order for Call Flow to proceed their work.
  1. The first piece is a fibre connection to the new cabinet that has been installed on Brandenham Lane just off Temple Lane.   My assumption is that this is for the link that will connect the village end of the RF feed of the high speed Internet connection that Call Flow is to install with the new cabinet.
  2. The second piece is for Openreach to complete a new footway junction box and cable replacement near the main cabinet (LG9).  A "footway junction box" is where a customer connection joins a larger cable run.  My assumption here is that this is needed for the top end of the new RF connection that I mention above.
I wish that I knew more but information seems to be guarded as tightly as access to the vestal virgins of ancient Rome.

Even more than my desire to understand the topology of what is being implemented is my desire to know what our schedule is likely to be for access to the new service.   I have asked Call Flow for an estimate of how long it will take for them to do their bits once Openreach has completed the above tasks.  I will post another update when I hear back from them.  We have been assured that they will do what work they can do in parallel with BT's efforts.

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